Corporate Communications

Printed Collateral

“Print is dead” is a phrase often used in today’s digital world – of course that’s not true. There is still nothing quite like the feel of a piece of printed collateral. Adding personalisation, speciality papers and unusual printing techniques into the mix and print can help deliver a powerful brand expression.

Printed - Papworth
Printed - Places for People Marketing brochure
Printed -  Places for People Marketing brochure
Printed - Institute of Stem Cell Research
Printed - Local Government Newsletter
Printed - Northern Broadsides
Printed - Rural Economy and Land Use Programme RELU
Printed - NE1 Business Improvement District Business Plan
Printed - Northumberland Wildlife Trust Nature Reserve Guide
Printed - Local Government Advocacy Report

“Print is dead” is a phrase often used in today’s digital world – of course that’s not true. There is still nothing quite like the feel of a piece of printed collateral. Adding personalisation, speciality papers and unusual printing techniques into the mix and print can help deliver a powerful brand expression.

Printed - Local Government Newsletter
Printed - RJC Dance Advocacy booklet
Printed - Bridging Newcastle Gateshead Annual Report

Infinite Design Consultants Ltd

Studio 6, The Kiln,
Hoults Yard, Hoults Estate,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1AB

T: 0191 224 8910

Infinite Design Consultants Ltd

Studio 6, The Kiln,
Hoults Yard, Hoults Estate,
Newcastle upon Tyne NE6 1AB

T: 0191 224 8910