North East Transformation System
Lean iPad App
The North East Transformation System (NETS) delivers Lean training to NHS Trusts and commissioners. Lean thinking has its origins in Japan’s automotive industry. Centred around continuous improvement it enables organistions to increase value to their customers. We designed a native iPad app aimed at healthcare professionals. Allowing them to measure and analyse their working processes. The app interprets data and generates reports on the fly. Our iterative approach included a series of rapid prototype tested by end users. Their feedback helped us improve the product and establish the business case for investment.

The North East Transformation System (NETS) delivers Lean training to NHS Trusts and commissioners. Lean thinking has its origins in Japan’s automotive industry. Centred around continuous improvement it enables organistions to increase value to their customers. We designed a native iPad app aimed at healthcare professionals. Allowing them to measure and analyse their working processes. The app interprets data and generates reports on the fly. Our iterative approach included a series of rapid prototype tested by end users. Their feedback helped us improve the product and establish the business case for investment.

“During the design process we created prototypes, tested them and learned what worked. This informed our thinking and lead to the developement of a powerful tool that delivers real value to our clients.”
Iain Smith, Head of NETS