The four line marketing strategy that guarantees success

The four line marketing strategy that guarantees success

The four line marketing strategy that guarantees success Sales and marketing are intrinsically linked but they are of course two very different things. If sales is about “doing the deal” and marketing, put simply, is “telling the story”. I am going to reveal a...
Infinite attend NETS Share and Spread Conference

Infinite attend NETS Share and Spread Conference

Infinite attend NETS Share and Spread Conference The objective of LEAN is to maximise customer value while minimising waste. A LEAN organisation places customer value at its heart and continuously analyses and optimises its processes in order to increase it. LEAN...
Techies must learn to speak Newbie

Techies must learn to speak Newbie

Techies must learn to speak Newbie I have lost count how many times in a client meeting I have come across this. The project team have discussed the business case, outlined the objectives, the desired outcomes and timings and it seems everyone is on the same page....
Standing out from the rest of the herd

Standing out from the rest of the herd

Standing out from the rest of the herd Positioning is about creating clear space between you and your competitors. It’s about understanding the truths of what makes your brand different. It’s having a clear strategy and a set of tactics that will...
Ready, steady, show me the pictures!

Ready, steady, show me the pictures!

Ready, steady, show me the pictures! I have lost count of the number of times when either pitching for new business or meeting a prospective new client we are asked “Show me the pictures!” or, to put in another way, “Let’s see your creative...
Get off the stage and into the crowd

Get off the stage and into the crowd

Get off the stage and into the crowd There has been a fundamental shift in marketing. We are all watching less television and reading fewer newspapers; combine this with the fact that as consumers we have become less trusting of advertising, direct mail and PR and its...