What is value?

What is value?

What is value? When asked – what do you value? Certain things spring immediately to mind. Time with our family, our home, friendships or perhaps even particularly meaningful possessions. It’s fair to say that, from a personal perspective, most of us find it easy to...
Just because I like you doesn’t mean I care

Just because I like you doesn’t mean I care

Just because I like you doesn’t mean I care You’ve posted something to social media. And after a while you get a notification… Someone liked what you did or better still commented on it! You feel good. You’ve just received a little bit of what...
7 things brand managers can learn from buskers

7 things brand managers can learn from buskers

7 things brand managers can learn from buskers Every Summer our city streets come alive with entertainers and performers of every kind. From the obligatory stationary man, a myriad of musicians to the unicycling escapologists with their acts of daring do! Each one...
Who likes numbers? – making measuring improvement easier

Who likes numbers? – making measuring improvement easier

Who likes numbers? – making measuring improvement easier Perhaps I’m a little strange. As a mathematician and professional analyst with over 20 years of experience, the use of data and statistics to monitor and measure change has always been within my comfort...
Growing charity income with cross-channel digital campaigns

Growing charity income with cross-channel digital campaigns

Growing charity income with cross-channel digital campaigns Charities have seen their incomes reduced over the last few years. Increasing pressure on fundraisers to grow donations and make up the short fall. It’s difficult to overstate the role mobile devices now play...
Further education – a tale of two audiences

Further education – a tale of two audiences

Further education – a tale of two audiences Further Education colleges deliver education and vocational training for 16 to 24 year olds. As well as adult learning both on a full and part-time basis. Colleges have invested heavily in ambitious capital redevelopment...